The Art of Garden Photography 

Good Garden Photography eBook cover

Saxon Holt, renowned photojournalist and photographer of more than 30 garden books, will show you how to use the camera for seeing and how to take the perfect garden photograph. You will also have your own photograph personally critiqued by this famous photographer.

Hour 1: A 45-minute presentation about garden photography, teaching you how to understand the camera as a tool for seeing, followed by a 15-minute Q &A.

Hour 2: There will be a personal critique of one work from each participant and a discussion of its composition with the class. Also, each participant will receive a link to his ebook to help them understand what he will be looking for. Class limit is 20.

OCTOBER 7: Deadline for registration and sending your personal photo to Saxon for critique. SIGN UP EARLIER for your copy of Saxon’s ebook for practice ahead of the workshop.

Presenter bio: Saxon Holt is a photojournalist and sole photographer of more than 30 garden books, including the award-winning books Plants and Landscapes for Summer-Dry Climates, The American Meadow Garden, and Hardy Succulents. He is the Photography Program Director at San Francisco Botanical Garden, a Fellow of the Garden Writers Association, and owner of the PhotoBotanic Garden Library. His recent book Gardening in Summer-Dry Climates is published by Timber Press



Registrations are closed for this event.